Aggregate Supply
- Quality Starts at the quarries and the pits to ensure every project exceeds specifications.
Fine aggregates, can be used in asphalt and concrete as a binder to fill in air voids. They can also be used for certain types of structural backfill and other construction purposes.
•Fill Sand for Structural Backfill Type 1
• Indiana #23 Sand for Structural Backfill Type 3
• Hot-Mix Asphalt & Concrete
• Borrow and B-Borrow construction applications
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Course aggregates, are produced for their clean edges as a chip product or slightly larger stone to prevent easy erosion in asphalt and concrete pavement.
• Chip and seal treatments
• Structural Backfill Type 3, for MSE walls
• Top-dress stone for stone driveways or parking lots
• Septic drainage material
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Aggregate base can be used for compaction purposes as a base or subbase under asphalt pavement.
• INDOT & MDOT sub-base
• Compacted stone driveways
• Temporary roads for heavy equipment
• Base stone for landscaping projects
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Specialty Products
Rieth-Riley produces specialty products including Rip-Rap and Landscape Stone.
• Protect slopes and banks from water erosion
• Slow down water flow to protect culvert
•Different landscaping applications
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Rieth-Riley is a pre-qualified aggregate producer with state-certified quarries and mines across Indiana and Michigan. We supply sand, gravel, and limestone for contractors, municipalities, private projects, and our operations. All facilities meet rigorous quality control standards to ensure dependable materials. At Rieth-Riley, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality aggregate solutions.
To learn more about Rieth-Riley’s aggregate materials for your next Indiana or Michigan project, request a quote or call us directly at 574-875-8378.