Hub I-65 (3)

FedEx Ground Hub - Greenwood, IN (1) - Copy

FedEx Ground - Greenwood, Indiana (11)

FedEx Ground - Greenwood, Indiana (9)
Greenwood Park at 65 South
Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. was subcontracted to install the asphalt pavement and concrete curbs for a FedEx Ground project along the I-65 corridor in Greenwood, Indiana. The Indianapolis Area 320 team utilized two paving crews and three concrete crews to meet the scheduling demands. The project was completed in the 2020 construction season under multiple mobilizations, on time, and on budget.
Aggregate Base – 138,446 Tons
Asphalt Base – 60,772 Tons
Asphalt Surface – 20,927 Tons
Concrete Curbs – 29,221 LFT