INDOT Contract Number: R-39500-A
New Interchange and Bridge Construction
On SR 37 at 126th Street
Prime Contractor: Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc.
Rieth-Riley Construction, Inc. completed the construction of a new bridge creating a grade-separated interchange. State Road 37 was reconstructed below-grade with 126th Street converted to a roundabout interchange. The new constructed interchange allows the motoring public to travel freely with the elimination of the previous signalized intersection. Rieth-Riley completed the site excavation, grading, underground utilities, structural concrete, concrete curb, concrete sidewalk, piling, concrete barrier wall, concrete paving, and asphalt paving. The project was completed in the 2020 construction season.
HMA Asphalt – 47,300 Tons
Project Description Link: https://www.hamiltoncounty.in.gov/DocumentCenter/View/5178/126th-St-Project-Description