Rieth-Riley is on schedule for substantial completion by 2020 as the reconstruction work finishes at the I-465 interchange.

R-41803-A / #3209287 – SR 67 & I-465
Project Description
The SR 67 & I-465 project consists of intersection improvements and pavement rehabilitation for preventative maintenance of S.R. 67 along an approximate 9 mile stretch between the 465 Interstate Ramps down to S.R. 144.
The project areas of work include the 465 interstate, 5-span, continuous steel beam bridgework of jacking and supporting live load structure, and replacing the bearings and appurtenances.
An additional main project included pavement improvements of HMA patching full and partial depth of nearly 6,000 tons, surface milling 400,000 square yards, and paving nearly 40,000 tons of asphalt surface. While the intersection improvements included widening the existing 465 ramps, extending a box structure, placing a 115 lineal foot pre-cast retaining wall and footing, new signal services and overheads, subgrade treatments, curb and gutter, and a new by-pass lane on S.R. 67.

From Parking Lots to Highways
Rieth-Riley is a full-service asphalt paving company handling all sizes of projects, ranging from small patch projects to major highway reconstruction.